Sunday 21 December 2008

The Good Life

It's grey, wet but not particularly cold. The Froggatt Woods have now reached that splendid purple that they cloak themselves in during the winter months.

We've had a pleasant weekend and preceding week living in what we are finding more and more the perfect surroundings of Grindleford village.

During the week, there was a planned, but sadly postponed, first social drinks meeting of the Grindleford Train Clubb. A group of people with whom I share my hour journey into work with, whittering about all sorts from capital punishment to Pierce Brosnan's performance in Mamma Mia!

Instead of the planned night out, we spent a few hours round our neighbours hours drinking mulled wine in truly festive style while a collection of young children ran riot around the house. Discussing possible fell running plans, cycling and climbing with people who share the same passions.

This weekend has been spent making our Christmas presents for family and friends. So far there has been Hearty Ale Chutney, Onion Marmalade and Bramley Lemon Curd. There's blackberry & apple jam and shortbreads to come.

There something very satisfying, particularly when budgets are tight, about making presents. After two days of work in the kitchen there are a collection of fantastic looking preserves that we are going dispense in just a few days.

Thanks has to be passed to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Pam Corbin for the book Preserves:River Cottage Handbook 2, a great publication that combined with another book or two has provided us with all of our recent preserves recipes.

Well, by the time I get round to another post, Christmas will have been and gone, so all there is left is for me to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.