Thursday, 25 September 2008

Seasonal Talk

I've been here before and I am sure I'll visit here again in the future, but a seasonal change is yet again upon us.

The summer has been poor in anyone's eyes, with a brief glimpse of the sun only a few times this year in England. It stayed warm for a while, but there was only a small number of days when the sun tanned the skin.

But, as Summer draws to a close I look forward with anticipation what winter will bring. Scottish weekends in knee deep snow and ice (for at least the 6 hours it lasts!), cold nights and log fires.

The leaves are turning on the trees everyday as I watch them in the woods near our home, yellowing with the cooler weather and gradually falling to form that compost that will invigorate Spring next year.

In only a few weeks bare patches will appear in the woods where all the leaves have dropped, returning the silver birch from their current green ocean of colour to a purple haze of branches that adorns them during their restful winter months.

I am already very late in ordering my wood for the fire, I should have ordered it back in Spring to allow it a warm Summer to dry properly, but we were unsure where we would be living this winter. But with the falling house market, falling fast than the leaves themselves, we are sitting tight in our rental accommodation with the hope of being able to pick up a better value home next year.

Roll on Winter, I for one love the season as much as Summer . . .